8 Steps How to Build The SImple Patio Paver?

Simple Patio Paver
Simple Patio Paver
How to build the simple patio paver? it is the question by every homeowner who want to make patio by them self. Patio paver is the example of patio ideas options that homeowner can choose to realize the simple patio in outdoor space area of your home. Playing with kids, lounging, barbecuing, and outdoor dining are the activities that we can do at the patio. Besides for patio paver pattern, herringbone, basket weave, and stacked are the example of pattern that you can choose one of them to try.

Then, how we can start or what are the steps in making a simple patio paver in our home outdoor space area? Ok, here are some steps that you can do in building your own simple patio paver in your backyard or your other outdoor space area.

The materials you will need : 1) paver, 2) gravel, and 3) sand

The steps are :

  1. Measure the area that you will build patio paver and then make a square line by spraying it over the area will be build
  2. Dig about 6 to 8 inches bellow to make space for installing gravel, sand, and absolutely the paver. Layout the landscape fabric after you remove the sod and topsoil.
  3. Then, fill the cropped area to install patio with the gravel and smoth out with rake.
  4. The next step is tamper the gravel in a place. Then, you should check it in order to make sure the level
  5. The step of five, you should add layer in depth between 1 till 2 inches by using sand. Do some adjustment to ensure the level of patio.
  6. Lay the paver stone by applying the patio paver pattern you choose
    Layying Patio Paver
    Layying Patio Paver
  7. Making the edge of paver stone which have been layed. You should cut the paver by using the diamond paver blade, lay them after you cut it.
  8. The last step is back filling. To do it, you should cover by using sand lightly and sweep it into cracks .
That's all the eight steps of how to build the simple patio paver that I can share. Hopefully, it can help you in realizing your own simple DIY patio paver project. Thanks for reading and visiting this site, don't forget to read the other articles of this blog.

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